[198] Setting Boundaries in your Handmade Biz {Premium}

Do you struggle to set boundaries in your handmade biz?

Maybe you feel like you have to respond to every email or message RIGHT NOW.

Perhaps you feel like you should ALWAYS be working.

Maybe you struggle to focus when there are chores catching your eye around the house.

Or do you find it hard to say ‘no’ to family and friends when they want your attention during what should be work time?

In this episode, I go into detail about all the different sorts of boundaries you need to set in your handmade business – around your time, your privacy, and much more.

I share a few challenges I’ve faced over the years to set boundaries (and why I took Facebook off my phone…), and share many tips about why boundaries matter, and how you can set and enforce them.

[197] How to Plan your Next Project… Properly! With Kate Hutcheson.

Do you have big ideas… but struggle to make them happen?
I can’t count the number of projects I’ve never started, or not done properly, or been up at all hours trying to finish by a deadline!

Why does this happen?!

Because we don’t project manage properly, that’s why.

Today’s guest is here to save us from all of that! Kate Hutcheson of the Efficient/Creative has turned her years of project management experience to helping creatives like you and me work out how to get big things done.

She outlines a super-simple method for you to follow in order to plan and execute your next project… properly!

[196] Why you should (maybe) keep you day job.

Can you be ‘successful’ in handmade business AND have a day job?
The question of ‘should I quit my job?’ is not an uncommon one.

Answering this question is a tad tricky as there are variables, and the answer will be different for different people.

However, there are three points that are key to remember as you ponder this.

One, there is no rush! Don’t just quit rashly and end up regretting it.
Two, you can hold a day job and run a successful business.
Tnd three, perhaps most important, do not compare yourself to anyone else! You can be a successful handmade business owner AND hold down a day job – the two are not mutually exclusive.
In this episode I cover a number of key points that you need to consider before you chuck in the day job.

[187] Do the Work

One of the most common laments I hear from my students is that ‘I’m not where I thought I’d be by now’.
There are oodles of reasons this may be. Life happens.

But one of the most common reasons is a lack of commitment and focus.

If you don’t commit to carving out the time to do your work – and then actually doing it – you simply won’t move forward.

Obligation, procrastination, lack of confidence – all of these things can get in the way of us actually doing the work. Goodness knows I’ve been there myself too many times to count.

But the people who succeed… they’re the ones that show up, consistently – for years – and just do the work.

Over, and over, and over again.

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