Launch Price Ends Today!

Just a quick note to let you know that the launch price for How to Sell More at Markets & Shows ends today!

If you want to enrol today for just $47, click here and get started with your first lesson straight away!

The price will be reverting to the regular ongoing price of $55 as of tonight at 8pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time). If you’re not in Oz, use this timezone converter to work that time out in your location. Or… just check out the ticker below to see if you still have time!



There won’t be any extensions or exceptions made once I put the price up (gotta be fair to those who got in early), so get in ASAP if you want to enrol for the launch price.

Not to mention… you get one lesson a day over 14 days, so the sooner you enrol, the sooner you start getting your lessons!

If you have any questions about the course, just leave them below, or shoot me an email.

Good luck with all your upcoming holiday markets & shows! May you have your best year yet.

Jess x



P.S. Did you know we have a pretty amazing ‘Share & Save’ referral program? If you buy any of our guides or self-study courses and find them so useful that you want to recommend them, you can sign up and get paid 50% of the sale price of any purchases your friends make.

No – that’s not a typo – you get half of the sale price paid to you when you refer someone and they purchase a guide or self-study e-course. Refer 2 folks and bam – you’ve got your money back! It’s our way of saying a HUGE thank you for loving what we do enough to share it.

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