Do you ever want to just remove social media from your life?

Does it feel like it takes up too much of your time or energy – and do you find yourself getting stressed out by it?

Whether it’s for personal or business use, sometimes it can be refreshing (not to mention relaxing!) to take a break from using social media.

I’ve done shorter social media sabbaticals before – but this is the first time I’ve gone off social media for a whole month.

In this video/podcast I discuss why I did it; how I planned for it (so that I didn’t tank my businesses in the process) and the outcome!

You can listen to this podcast below, or on your fave podcast app – or you can watch it on YouTube!

Watch on YouTube…

Highlights from this episode: 

  1. 1. Preparation – make sure you don’t just disappear – you need to prepare yourself, and your audience, for your absence.
  2. Implementation – ensure you have removed any temptation/ways to access social media, and have other activities in place to do when the urge strikes.
  3. Outcome – I loved it! But this wasn’t my first social media sabbatical – just the longest. If it’s your first time, start small.

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