Hey Thriver, Are you ready to make 2023 your best year in biz… ever? I’ve got something awesome planned for you in January – a 21-day boot camp that will help you kick 2023 off with a bang!

This boot camp is focused on the things YOU need to do – as a handmade business owner – to ensure you’re ready to tackle a new year with clarity and focus.

The Handmade Biz Bootcamp will start on Monday, Jan 9th.

The Bootcamp is ONLY available to members. And yes – it is at absolutely no extra cost above and beyond the monthly membership fee (just $29 AUD per month!).

If you want to join us for the Bootcamp, make sure you before Jan 9th, when the course starts. Membership is open right now!

What Will It Look Like?

For the 21 days of the Bootcamp, there will be a daily lesson/activity for you to complete, and we will, of course, be discussing each one in the Circle FB Forum, so we can take advantage of the amazing support and advice we always have for each other in there.

There will be:

  • A Facebook Live session with me during each of the 3 weeks of the program in the private Thriver Circle FB community.
  • 21 lessons on the Thriver Circle site (visible to members only).
  • Access to our private members-only FB group, where you can get help and advice as you work through the Bootcamp!

What Will It Cover?

There will be 3 main themes over the 3 weeks of the boot camp.

  • You will get clear on what your business is going to look like in 2023 (your Purpose).
  • You will do your goal setting and time management plans to start the year off right (your Planning).
  • You will create a marketing plan for 2023 (your Promotion).

By the end of the boot camp, you will have a crystal-clear idea of what 2023 holds for your business, and how you’re going to get there.

How to Participate

If you’re already a member of the Circle… you don’t need to do anything except maintain your membership and look forward to January!

If you’re not already a member… you must join us in order to take part.

You can do so (yes, for just $29!), and find out more about the oodles of other benefits of membership .

Here’s to a rocking start to 2023!

Jess 🙂

P.S. The Bootcamp is the perfect follow-on to the FREE Look Back Move Forward course.

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