So, I’ve been working on a secret project… you may have seen me mention it on social.

The time has come to let you in on it!

I’m so excited to introduce you to my NEW podcast… and I’m not doing it alone.

I’m launching The Business of Making Podcast with my friends and co-hosts Mikaela Danvers of The Makers Collective & Deborah Engelmajer of Tizzit (and the Maker’s Biz Summit).

(Before you worry, no, the Create & Thrive Podcast isn’t going anywhere – you’ll just have 2 chances each week to listen to me chat about all things handmade business!)

Each week, Mik, Deb & I will bring you an episode where we chat about what it REALLY takes to run a successful handmade business. No BS, no sugar-coating – just the honest, nitty-gritty reality of the challenges (and joys!) that handmade business entails.

And… just a little hint… but this is just the beginning. We have a few bigger plans percolating – but you’ll have to wait until next year to find out more about that!

Today, we’ve got 3 episodes for you – click below to listen in to each of them.

Oh! And make sure to join our FREE Facebook community, too!






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