Do you want to successfully sell your handmade goods to shops, galleries, and boutiques?


You need Wholesale Know-How


In this 5-week long, self-study course, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to get the wholesale side of your handmade business up and running!

  • Do you want to equip yourself with all the knowledge you need to get started, so you can stop second-guessing if you’re ‘doing it right’?
  • Do you want to exponentially grow your business and get exposure in boutiques and galleries all over the country (and maybe even the world?)
  • Do you want to learn from someone who has DONE what they’re teaching you – who has a successful wholesale-based handmade business?
  • Have you held yourself back from wholesale because it seems like a mystery?


Wholesale Know-How is the guidance you’ve been searching for.

Have you ever wondered…

  • If wholesale is right for you, and if so, if you’ve got everything in place to hit the ground running? (Business branding, products, legalities etc.)

  • If you’re pricing your items right, so you’re still making a profit when selling wholesale?

  • How to grow your business faster than you’re able to by only selling direct to your customers?

  • What systems you need to put in place from the beginning to get things running smoothly: things like collecting, making, packing, and shipping orders?

  • How you can get your brand ‘out there’ into the world, and gain wider recognition?

  • The best way to approach stockists, and how to maintain a positive (and profitable) relationship with them?

  • How to put together a wholesale catalogue that will wow potential stockists?

  • What the ins and outs of how to succeed at a trade fair are, (without taking the risk of losing thousands of dollars because you don’t know what you’re doing?)

  • Exactly how other people have made wholesale the main part of their business?


Wholesale Know-How will answer all these questions, and more.


This is a systematic, step-by-step course that leads you through everything you need to learn in order to confidently step into the world of wholesaling.

If you’ve ever held back from wholesaling because you weren’t sure if you were ‘doing it right’ – or because you fear you’re not ready, then this course will help you to eliminate those fears by giving you the knowledge and tools you need to make it happen.

Today I have FINALLY finished my wholesale catalogue.

Last year I completed the Wholesale Knowhow course with Jess and Melanie. Had I not done the course, I’m sure I wouldn’t have got this far by today.

The course stepped me through everything I needed to know to prepare for and sell wholesale – including the scary bits like writing my wholesale terms and conditions!

Thank you ladies!

Rebecca Tregurtha

Blue Radish

What do we cover in the course?


>> Getting Prepared…

  • Goal-setting – work out what your wholesale aims are.
  • Getting all the legalities sorted from the get-go.
  • Finding supplies at wholesale and trade prices.
  • Business branding, and why it’s important.
  • Why you need a website, and what you need to have on it.


>> Wholesale vs. Consignment

  • What’s the difference between consignment and wholesale?
  • Which one will suit your business better?
  • Pitfalls to avoid if you choose to do consignment.
  • Pros and cons of selling wholesale.


>> Catalogue Development

  • What do you need to include in your catalogue – what do retailers expect?
  • Exactly which terms and conditions you need to think about and include.
  • Photography tips for excellent catalogue photos.
  • How to actually put a catalogue together.


>> How to Find & Approach Stockists

  • Who are your ideal customers, and where do they shop?
  • Discover the right ways (and the wrong ways!) to approach potential stockists.
  • The best ways to keep in touch with your stockists.
  • How to take care of your stockists and maintain a profitable business relationship with them.
  • The packaging you need to include with your wholesale orders, and what it says about your business.


>> Pricing

  • Learn how to price your products right for wholesale to ensure you’re making a profit.
  • How to set a realistic hourly wage for yourself.
  • All the overheads you need to consider in your pricing.
  • How to set up an invoice template.
  • The formula Mel uses to calculate her prices.


>> Marketing + Systems

  • A straight-forward system for taking and processing your wholesale orders.
  • How to juggle wholesale and retail business.
  • How to go about getting help with your business – outsourcing and hiring staff.
  • How to track your expenses and evaluate the growth of your business.
  • Planning for the future growth of your biz, and how to market your biz to reach more stockists.


Meet your Teachers

Jess Van Den

If you’re been part of the Create & Thrive community for a while, you’ll know that my jewellery business – Epheriell – is almost exclusively online – I sell direct to my customers.

But I saw so many of you asking about wholesale – wanting to learn exactly how to do it successfully. So, I enlisted the help of my good friend Melanie Augustin to teach this course with me!

Melanie is also a jeweller – but unlike me, she’s built her business up almost exclusively via wholesale – and very succesfully, to boot. She was the sole breadwinner for her family for years after her husband became ill. But let me hand over to Mel so she can tell you more in her own words…

~ Jess x

Melanie Augustin

Like many of you, I started out small.  I began making little creations from vintage kimono fabric finds in the second bedroom of my small Japanese apartment, after working a full-time teaching job though the day.  I sold these through Etsy and even did a couple of craft markets in Japan. I returned to Australia while pregnant with my little girl and found great relief to know that I was able to earn money through my creations soon after we arrived as my belly grew to scary proportions and my husband hunted for a more conventional income.

I picked up my first few stores after my daughter was born, but a couple of months later my husband became seriously ill and I suddenly needed to become the sole income earner for my little family.  I needed income, but also needed to be at home looking after a three month old baby and seeing him through (successful!) treatment.  To really kick-start my business, I jumped in feet first to doing my first trade fair and my little business swiftly grew, and has continued to do so ever since.

I’ve learnt a lot a long the way, both through personal experience and through lots of studying and advice from others who have been doing it for longer than myself.  I wish that there had been a course like this before I began, there certainly would have been less mistakes and angst! So, now, I hope to guide you in your wholesale adventures!

~ Mel

BONUS: You also get a Trade Show Module!


This additional series of lessons will teach you:

  • How trade fairs work
  • How to choose the right fair for you
  • How to set a budget and prepare for the fair
  • How to design an eye-catching display
  • What will happen at the fair
  • What to do after the fair is over to make the most of it

Trade shows/fairs are one of the fastest ways to grow your wholesale business – because instead of finding stockists, they find you! If you’re serious about growing the wholesale arm of your biz, then attending a trade show is definitely a step to seriously consider.

This module will teach you all you need to know in order to avoid the (potentially expensive!) pitfalls of attending trade fairs, from someone who has had success selling her work at numerous fairs over many years.


I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for hosting the Wholesale Know-How Course.

I started the course with one idea of how I would approach wholesale, but through your teachings, I realised I had to scrap this pre-conceived idea, go back to the drawing board and create a new path moving forward.

Who knows if I would have come to this point without doing the wholesale course. I don’t think so, the course has helped to shift me onto a path that feels simultaneously exciting and scary, so I take that to mean its the right path for me!

So thank you as always for your excellent, insightful and timely teachings.

Emmaline Lamond

Cocopress Design



How will the course be delivered?

Wholesale Know-How is a self-study e-course. That means you will receive your first lesson within minutes of purchase!

You will receive 28 lessons in the base course, delivered one per day via email (+ your BONUS 5 lessons as part of the Trade Show Module). Lessons are in written format.

The final email will contain all the lessons in one summary document for future easy reference.

Each lesson has a teaching section, followed by ‘Action Steps’  – that day’s tasks to complete.


How much time will the course take to complete?

Make no mistake, this IS a time-intensive course.

Some of the lessons might take you a scant few minutes – some may take you an hour or two… and some might be so life-and-business changing that you have to go back to the beginning and start all over again.

There are a couple of catch-up days in there, though, where you can either catch up on a lesson you’ve missed, or just take a break.

If you’re concerned about how much time you have to complete each lesson, remember this: you have LIFETIME access to the course content (you even get it delivered in a handy-dandy ebook at the end of the course).

So the REAL question is – can you afford to spend months (or years) figuring it out on your own without direction?

Or do you want to leap over the learning curve and cut down that time to just 5 weeks?


Is there any interaction with the teachers during the course?

No. As this is a self-study course, it is completely self-directed. You will be given details on how to contact Jess if you have any technical difficulties accessing the course.


How much does this course cost in my currency?

Please visit to convert the AUD course cost to your currency. As of June 2023, the full course price of $145 AUD = approximately 198 USD, 78 Pounds, 90 Euro, 

Enrol now and get your first lesson within minutes!

~ Your purchase will be processed securely via Paypal ~

Please remember – this e-couse is a tool for you to use – I cannot and do not guarantee the results you see from following the advice given within will be the same as mine or others. Only you have the power to make your business a success. Any and all liability is limited to the purchase price of this e-course.

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