Hey Thriver!

You’re all signed up to the Create & Thrive updates.

Look for your first welcome email that will describe exactly what you can expect to receive from me in your inbox, and give you access to the Handmade Biz Toolkit (which is where you’ll find all the free downloads, like the Etsy SEO Cheat Sheet or Etsy Quick Start Guide).

Keep Thriving,


P.S. Before you rush off to check your email, there’s something else I want to tell you about that could make all the difference to your dream of handmade business success…


Are you ready to grow your handmade business starting RIGHT NOW?

Do you dream of running your own successful, thriving, & profitable handmade business?

Maybe all you have is a dream.

Maybe you have a hobby you love and an inkling that you could make money out of this thing.

Or maybe you already have a business up and running, but know you don’t have everything figured out just yet.

You’re passionate.

You’re dedicated.

You know you want to make this happen.

But you just aren’t sure if you’re doing all the right things, in the right order.

Imagine if someone could guide you through every single step that you need to take in order to turn that dream into a concrete reality?

What would that mean to you?

What difference would it make to your life?

I’m offering you exactly that.

Your Year to Thrive is the program you’ve been searching for… and you can start your first lesson just minutes from now!


Hey – did you stumble across this page, but haven’t subscribed yet? Click here to subscribe and get access to the Toolkit.

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