
Like you, I have a ton of new things planned for my business this year.

One that I’m expecting to pay off the most though is bringing back my blog. A few months ago, I stopped writing on my blog.

I had one hundred things on my plate and I had gotten zero comments in the past month. There wasn’t much to compel me to keep writing when I was having more fun on Instagram.


But then I realised that blogs have super powers.


1. They position you as an expert.

There’s no easier way to position yourself as an expert than through the content of your blog.

People love to buy from an ‘expert’ because they trust you to give them a high-quality product. It also helps you get featured on other blogs, get asked to speak at conferences, and even be asked to be interviewed on some amazing blogs like CraftSanity. (shameless plug!)

Use your blog to make yourself appear as the expert you are. Share your skills. Give tips on your craft. Show off professional photos of your work.


2. They let people get to know you.

Without a blog, your site can seem a bit impersonal.

Let your customer get to know you through your blog. I don’t mean you need to write personal posts – the voice in your writing will convey more than you think.


3. They give you material for your newsletter.


There’s no need to use new material for your newsletter because, honestly, few (if any) people are reading your blog posts AND your blog. They just don’t have time.

So use your (now) great blog content in your newsletter to save time and entertain your mailing list.


4. They Fuel your Pinterest.

Been meaning to use Pinterest to promote your business?

Well, use the photos from your blog! Link back to your blog post to ensure people come to find your site. This will also help you take better photos for your site as there’s extra pressure.


So for these reasons, my blog is coming back this year. Is yours?

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