push it to the new year instead

This time of year, I generally try my best not to lose my mind.

This year things are even crazier than usual since I’ve signed up for 5 shows, I’m moving to a new state the first week of January, and my partner’s parents suddenly decided to visit for the holidays.  (You can guess that I’ll be putting them to work putting our possessions into boxes.)

Amid all of this, I had oh-so-wishfully planned a launch for my new line of fabric and scarves (sneak peek above).  What had seemed like a brilliant idea in July had become the biggest drag on my time, patience, and sanity the days following Thanksgiving.  The days left in the year were ticking down, my shipping deadlines were rushing forward like runaway trains, and poor me was stuck in the middle feeling sick to my stomach.

Then it happened.

I had a beautiful moment of clarity in between a bout of crying over the deadlines and wanting to hurl my computer out the window after it froze mid-save.  It was as if the clouds parted and a great, big voice proclaimed, “You could launch in February.”

The more I thought about it, the more I liked it.  January is always a slow month so I could use that time to finish up my designs, order proofs, test out scarf designs, take my photographs, etc.  I could also use that time to build a strong marketing campaign to make 10x more sales than a slapdash December launch would bring.  (At this point in time, my December launch would honestly consist of an email saying, ‘Ooh, new fabric by Studio MME!’  Not good at all.)

The simple act of moving something out of December also gave me a huge amount of breathing space.  (Well, that and I handed planning the stay of my boyfriend’s parents off to him completely.)  Now I can actually enjoy the days leading up to the holidays and sip my cider instead of chugging it.

By pushing my launch out of December, I also have something to focus on in my new studio after the move AND a big goal for 2014.  Last year I started the year with no idea what I wanted to do, what my goals were, and when I was launching my first big product.

Take it from me: that’s a terrible way to start the year.  I played catch-up well in March and by then all those smart makers who had planned out through July way back in October were raking in the sales and chugging along at full steam.

Honestly, this decision to push a launch forward into the new year may be the smartest decision I made this year.  It frees up my mind to get excited about my fabric designs again.  These last few weeks I’ve been so worried about getting everything finished that I’d lost that initial spark of interest that started it all.  That’s a terrible feeling with which to launch a product.

Come February 2014, I’ll be so excited about this new line that I won’t be able to contain myself…and neither will my fans.

Is there something you can push forward into 2014 to make these last days of the year more relaxing and ensure 2014 starts with purpose and profit?

Image source: Studio MME

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